

Registration Fees 


Regular Fee       

Late Fee

AMPERE member*

S$ 800

S$ 1000

Student AMPERE member**

S$ 500

S$ 600

non-AMPERE member     

S$ 850

S$ 1050

Student non-AMPERE member 

S$ 530

S$ 630

Extra Dinner Ticket

S$ 150


* Proof of AMPERE membership will be required.
** Proof of student status will be required.
*** The fees include reception and banquet ticket 

All the prices are in Singapore dollars, including GST.  Registration fees include attendance to all sessions, conference documentation, lunches, opening reception, and the conference banquet.  

The regular fees are available until July 9th, 2023 (11 PM, Singapore time).

No registration is possible after Aug. 16th, 2023.


Registration cancellation is possible with a 100% refund, less an s$30 cancellation fee, until Aug. 16th, 2023.  After this date, no refund is possible.  To cancel your registration, send an email to

Registration  Instructions

After creating a login to the website, please submit your registration here.

Payment  Instructions

After registering, you can pay the conference dues by clicking on the appropriate link below,

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